Thursday, May 30, 2013

Memorial Day Adventures

After getting our butts kicked at work over the busiest weekend that theater has seen since being opened, I was ready for an escape.

I hadn't gone exploring with Heather in a couple of weeks, and she suggested going to Seven Falls, just outside of Colorado Springs.

This place was far more impressive than the Seven Falls of the Catalina Mountains in Tucson! Only difference is you can't go in the water because it has little bacteria buggers in it. Still, it was absolutely beautiful.

The Odd Couple.
We also met some of the locals. This is Tom and Jane, and they've been here for quite some time. As soon as I remarked to Heather that Tom was standing on one leg (quite possibly for our amusement), Jane immediately began doing it as well. Except, she was quite conspicuous about it, as if to deter our attention away from her sweetie. They were the only two ducks we found in the entire park, though, so we were thinking this was more of a retirement situation for them. We wished them the best.

We also went on a little hike and saw some extraordinary views, and learned a couple neat things about the wildlife.

Chalk one in for Nature.

These trees exist, fyi.

View overlooking Colorado Springs.

The true highlight of our Memorial Day excursion, though, was Garden of the Gods.

There was still plenty of daylight enough to walk around the entire park, and am I glad we did.

Three Graces

If its description is accurate, you could say this is the heart of Colorado.

The name "Colorado" is Spanish for "colored red," which would make this place very special. It was so special, in fact, that a very wealthy landowner donated this land over a century ago and set up a trust to help take care of it through the generations. The park is extremely well-maintained, like all of the parks in Colorado. But this one is special.

It doesn't have any lakes or ducks or recreation of any kind. It's just a collection of beautiful rock formations which man has, through the ages, found so compelling that he has decided to honor it.

Balancing Rock

Many of the rocks don't look anything like the others. There are white rocks, grey rocks, orange rocks and red rocks, all scattered about. It is truly a remarkable sight. Put it on your bucket list immediately.

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